S. Sentencing Commission to establish sentencing guidelines for the federal courts and established a regimen of determinate sentences (Hoffman, 2003). The chairman of the Parole Commission is an ex-officio, nonvoting, member of the ...
President Gerald R. Ford's Proclamation 4311, granting a pardon to Richard Nixon. (1974, September 8). Retrieved February 11, 2008, from http://www.ford.utexas.edu/LIBRARY/ speeches/740061.htm 3. The MacNeil/Lehrer Report.
The text is written for an introductory corrections course that focuses on both adult corrections and juvenile court dispositions. A new co-author, Michael Birzer, brings his teaching experience and insight to the second edition.
An inmate may post bond using a bondsman, post a cash bond, or in some instances authorized by the courts, sign an ROR (release on own recognizance) bond promising to appear as required by the courts. Inmates not released on bail or ...
This text uniquely illustrates how the day-to-day practitioner conducts business in the field of corrections in both institutional and community settings.
This is that book: The one that is authoritative and readable.
Introduction to Corrections
Introduction to Corrections
Introduction to Corrections
The text is divided into three distinct units. Unit I examines the evolution of contemporary corrections and philosophies of punishment, correctional administration, probation and parole, and reentry and reintegration.
Introduction to Corrections
This text is for an introduction to corrections class. The premise of the book is to expose students to the importance of empirical data concerning corrections policies, program, and protocol.
Introduction to Corrections
The Second Edition of Introduction to Corrections provides students with a strong, comprehensive foundation in the field of corrections using modern research, theoretical origins, and practical application.
This text uniquely illustrates how the day-to-day practitioner conducts business in the field of corrections in both institutional and community settings.
This text uniquely illustrates how the day-to-day practitioner conducts business in the field of corrections in both institutional and community settings.
Pollock's introductory text intends to present corrections in a new way for instructors who desire to prepare students in a problem-based, data-driven, media-savvy approach to achieve competency as correctional professionals or ...
For courses in Introduction to Corrections, Corrections in America, Prisons and Jails, Correctional Practices, Survey of Corrections, Penology, and Current Correctional Practices. Because of its strong organizational emphasis, could also...
"Pollock's introductory text intends to present corrections in a new way for instructors who desire to prepare students in a problem-based, data-driven, media-savvy approach to achieve competency as correctional professionals or ...
Introduction to Corrections