Introduction to Epidemiology

  • Introduction to Epidemiology
    By Brigham Young University Utah Ray M Merrill, Ray M. Merrill

    In Manchester, a sudden and violent outbreak of cholera occurred in Hope Street, Salford. The inhabitants used water from a particular pump/well. This well had been repaired, and a sewer which passes within nine inches of the edge of it ...

  • Introduction to Epidemiology
    By Ray M. Merrill, Thomas C. Timmreck

    An Irish cook , Mary Mallon , referred to as Typhoid Mary , was believed to be responsible for 53 cases of typhoid fever in a 15 - year period.12 George Soper , a sanitary engineer studying several outbreaks of typhoid fever in New York ...

  • Introduction to Epidemiology
    By Ray Merrill

    permission, therefore, to take a list, at the General Register Office, of the deaths from cholera, registered during the week ending 2nd September, in the subdistricts of Golden Square, Berwick Street, and St. Ann's Soho, ...

  • Introduction to Epidemiology
    By Ray M. Merrill

    during the week ending 2nd of September, in the subdistricts of Golden Square, Berwick Street, and St. Ann's Soho, which was kindly granted. Eighty-nine deaths from cholera were registered during the week in the three subdistricts (see ...

  • Introduction to Epidemiology: Distribution and Determinants of Disease
    By Richard Shaffer, Caroline A. Macera, Peggy M. Shaffer

    For example, ifa study is intended to refer to an elderly population in a retirement home (who), it would not be wise to collect data from a young population. Also, the disease under study (what) will affect the design.

  • Introduction To Epidemiology
    By Howard, Carneiro, Natasha

    This popular book examines the underlying concepts and applications of epidemiology.

  • Introduction to Epidemiology
    By Ray M. Merrill

    Designed for students with minimal training in the biomedical sciences and statistics, this full-color text emphasizes the application of the basic principles of epidemiology according to person, place, and time factors in order to solve ...

  • Introduction to Epidemiology
    By Merrill

    Introduction to Epidemiology, Seventh Edition is the ideal introductory text for the epidemiology student with minimal training in the biomedical sciences and statistics.

  • Introduction to Epidemiology: Distribution and Determinants of Disease
    By Richard Shaffer, Caroline A. Macera, Peggy M. Shaffer

    This first edition text was written for students with no prior knowledge of epidemiology, and includes useful online references, basic math resources, real-world problems, and an optional supplement package for better, faster comprehension!

  • Introduction to Epidemiology
    By Lucianne Bailey

    This book introduces the key elements of epidemiological methods concerned with describing the patterns of diseases, identifying their causes and evaluating the effectiveness of health care and public health interventions.

  • Introduction to Epidemiology
    By Ray M. Merrill

    New Edition Available 8/17/2012 Introduction to Epidemiology, Fifth Edition is the ideal introductory text for the epidemiology student with minimal training in the biomedical sciences and statistics.

  • Introduction to Epidemiology
    By Donald B. Stone

    This introductory text provides a background in epidemiology for health and allied science students.