Street & Smith's SportsBusiness Journal. Chelladurai, P. (2006). Human resource management in sport and recreation ...
Introduction to Kinesiology, Second Edition, provides a comprehensive, reader-friendly overview of kinesiology, laying a solid foundation for future learning and for working as a professional in any field relating...
Aimed at undergraduate students in sport and exercise science courses, this text provides a comprehensive, reader-friendly overview of sports science, laying a solid foundation for future learning and for working as a professional in any ...
Introduction to Kinesiology: Studying Physical Activity, Fourth Edition, offers the most cohesive introduction to the field of kinesiology available, giving students a solid background in the field and preparing them for further study and ...
Introduction to Kinesiology provides essential information for students embarking on their study of kinesiology, and this updated sixth edition prepares them for future courses and further study.
Aimed at undergraduate students in sport and exercise science courses, this text provides a comprehensive, reader-friendly overview of sports science, laying a solid foundation for future learning and for working as a professional in any ...
Introduction to Kinesiology: Studying Physical Activity, Sixth Edition With HKPropel Access, gives students a complete overview of the field of kinesiology and explores the common career paths, questions, and ideas that are part of this ...
The text uses a visually appealing pedagogical approach, including key points and interactive items as well as opening scenarios of real-world dilemmas encountered by professionals in the field, objectives, summaries, key terms, and a ...
The interactive ebook format allows students to read the text of each chapter and engage with digital learning activities throughout-including assignments, image-based skill-builder activities, discussions, flashcards, quizzes, in-line ...
"Introduction to Kinesiology: The Science of Human Physical Activity provides the major concepts, principles, and experimental findings for the curious yet serious student interested in the field of kinesiology.
Introduction to Kinesiology: The Science of Human Physical Activity (Custom Edition)
Introduction to Kinesiology: The Science of Human Physical Activity (Second Revised First Edition)
Introduction to Kinesiology: The Science of Human Physical Activity outlines the major concepts, principles, and experimental findings for the curious yet serious student interested in the field of kinesiology.
Introduction to Kinesiology: Studying Human Movement and Health, Third Edition, builds upon the second edition, titled Foundations of Exercise Science: Studying Human Movement and Health (2nd edition), published in 2008.
Introduction to Kinesiology: A Biophysical Perspective
Introduction to Kinesiology: A Sociocultural and Behavioral Perspective
Introduction to Kinesiology: The Science of Human Physical Activity outlines the major concepts, principles, and experimental findings for the curious yet serious student interested in the field of kinesiology.
Introduction to Kinesiology: Studying Human Movement and Health, Third Edition, builds upon the second edition, titled Foundations of Exercise Science: Studying Human Movement and Health (2nd edition), published in 2008.