Offers a model approach and integrates the use of Excel. This book contains chapters that include a case study that is meant to show the students a real and interesting application of the topics addressed in that chapter.
This text's emphasis is on presenting management science in a manner that is managerially focused and easily understood by students.
Introduction to Management Science
Introduction to Management Science
Introduction to Management Science, 4e, offers a unique model approach and integrates the use of Excel.
The work features integrated software examples, case studies, coverage of emerging techniques, and a video package
Introduction to Management Science
Introduction to Management Science
This introduction to the often mathematically rigorous techniques and applications of management science is designed to make the subject accessible for students with no mathematical background or skills. It focuses...
Covering the standard management science topics, this work shows traditional methods for solving management science problems. This edition includes an integration of using Microsoft Excel.
This text shows students how to approach decision-making problems in a straightforward, logical way.
Introduction to Management Science: Quantitative Approaches to Managerial Decisions
Introduction to Management Science: Quantitative Approaches to Decision Making
Introduction to Management Science, 4/e, offers a unique model approach and integrates the use of Excel.
Introduction to Management Science
The objective of this management science book is to help the reader solve the decision-making problems that confront managers in both the public and private sectors.
Offers a case study approach and integrates the use of Excel.
Introduction to Management Science