'Probably its most significant distinguishing feature is that this book is more algebraically oriented than most undergraduate number theory texts.
... R. M. Robinson 14 607 1952 D. H. Lehmer, R. M. Robinson 15 1279 1952 D. H. Lehmer, R. M. Robinson 16 2203 1952 D. H. ... S. Boone, GIMPS* 44 32582657 2006 C. Cooper, S. Boone, GIMPS* Maple lucaslehmertest : =proc (p) local m, r; m :
Offering a flexible format for a one- or two-semester course, Introduction to Number Theory uses worked examples, numerous exercises, and two popular software packages to describe a diverse array of number theory topi
Introduc tion to number theory. Translation of: Shu lun tao yin. Bibliography: p. Includes index. 1. Numbers, Theory of. I. Title. QA241.H7513.5 12'.7.82-645. ISBN-13:978-3-642-68132-5 (U.S.). AACR2 This work is subject to copyright.
In addition to the instructional material, the book contains hundreds of problems ... This book is ideal for students who have mastered basic algebra, such as solving linear equations.
A large number of non-routine problems are given. Reviews & Endorsements This is a very readable introduction to number theory, with particular emphasis on diophantine equations, and requires only a school knowledge of mathematics.
On historical and mathematical grounds alike, number theory has earned a place in the curriculum of every mathematics student. This clear presentation covers the elements of number theory, with stress...
Introduction to Number Theory