12.17 aha hospital Statistics. Chicago: american hospital association (aha). available for purchase: http://www.ahadataviewer.com/book-cd-products/ aha-Statistics/. An essential for most medical library reference collections since 1946, ...
International Cooperation Section of the Medical Library Association, 432 International Drug Information Center, ... “Medical Meetings,” 159 Johns Hopkins ABX Guide: Diagnosis and Treatment of Infectious Diseases (Bartlett, Auwaerter, ...
Prepared with the Medical Library Association, this completely updated and revised fifth edition lists classic and up-to-the-minute print resources and helps librarians to meet customers' changing expectations for electronic versions...
Includes bibliographic sources for monographs, periodicals, indexing and abstracting services, electronic bibliographic databases, U.S. government documents and technical reports, and conferences, reviews, and translations. Also includes information sources on terminology,...
Includes bibliographic sources for monographs, periodicals, indexing and abstracting services, electronic bibliographic databases, U.S. government documents and technical reports, and conferences, reviews, and translations. Also includes information sources on terminology,...
Introduction to Reference Sources in the Health Sciences
Dates are not noted for the first two editions, which are here updated to account for new or expanded electronic and online sources, including computer multimedia reference. Addressed to practicing and student librarians.