This text continues to present the essential concepts of A& P so necessary to helping readers achieve their career goals in today's allied health fields.
Introduction to the Human Body: The Essentials of Anatomy and Physiology Binder Ready Version
In the fourth revised edition the author presents the most current information available in the field. Designed for undergraduates of anatomy and physiology, human biology, nursing and allied courses.
Consider these benefits: * A clear focus on homeostasis as the underlying principle for understanding from and function * A concise writing style that emphasizes core content over extraneous detail. * An outstanding illustration program of ...
This Learning Guide is designed to accompany Tortora's "Introduction to the Human Body, 6th Edition," This valuable aid for students includes numerous and varied exercises, labeling and coloring diagrams, and mastery tests.
The successful approach of the previous editions -- to provide students with a basic understanding of the structure and functions of the human body with an emphasis on homeostasis -- has been retained.
Introduction to the Human Body 10th Edition offers a balanced introduction to the human body, especially developed to meet the needs of the one-semester A&P course.
Introduction to the Human Body combines exceptional content and outstanding visual, auditory, and interactive presentations for a multimodal and comprehensive learning experience.
The successful approach of the previous editions -- to provide students with a basic understanding of the structure and functions of the human body with an emphasis on homeostasis -- has been retained.
Introduction to the Human Body has provided countless readers with a strong understanding of the structure and function of the human body. Now in its much-anticipated seventh edition, this book...
Introduction to the Human Body
Introduction to the Human Body combines exceptional content and outstanding visual, auditory, and interactive presentations for a multimodal and comprehensive learning experience.
"A comprehensive approach to learning anatomy and physiology. This updated edition offers a balanced introduction to the complexities of the human body.
Introduction to the Human Body: The Essentials of Anatomy and Physiology, Sixth Edition, is designed for courses in human anatomy and physiology or in human biology. It assumes no previous...