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Introductory Psychology
Bernstein's work is fraught with difficulties, not least because over the years he has developed his ideas, changing the emphasis of his theory and related research. Basically, he postulates two language codes, the restricted and the ...
The text features: · chapter objectives and chapter summaries · information boxes expanding on key issues discussed in the text · ample illustrations including figures, diagrams, photographs and cartoons · self assessment questions to ...
Introductory Psychology: A Customized Version of General Psychology Developed Specifically for Robert Short at Arizona State University
... Historical Introduction to Modern Psychology Modern Theories of the Unconscious The A B C of Psychology The Psychology of Thought and Feeling Introductory Psychology Empirical Foundations of Psychology Psychotherapy The Psychology ...
Introductory Psychology: The Principles of Human Adjustment
Introductory Psychology: a Casebook
Introductory Psychology
This is an ideal general background text for first-year psychology students, and can be used as a pre-course reader or as the main text for a module such as theoretical foundations of psychology.
Introductory Psychology
Introductory Psychology: A Case Book