The Modern System of Investor-State Arbitration IV. Commonly Used Procedural Rules V. Procedural Law Applicable in Investor-State Arbitration VI. National Court Interference: Anti-Arbitration Injunctions VII.
This second edition provides a fresh look at the legal framework for the protection of foreign investment.
Int'l Arb. 177, 178–80 (1999) The procedural law governs the arbitral process. This usually includes such matters as the appointment and ... In the English case of James Miller Ltd. v. Whitworth Street Estates,4 the House of Lords found ...
This book examines the international treaties that give investors a right to arbitration of claims, the most-commonly employed arbitration rules, and the most important elements of investor-state arbitration procedure - including tribunal ...
Investor-State Arbitration describes the increasing importance of international investment and the necessary development of a new field of international law that defines the obligations of host states and creates procedures for resolving ...