This brief, accessible, and provocative book suggests ways of changing that. New to the Fifth Edition For the first time since its original 2006 publication, the entire text has been updated with the most recent available data and analysis.
This book explores the reasons why young people are less likely to follow politics and vote in the United States, no matter who the candidates are, or what the issues may be.
New to the Fourth Edition: A new introduction placing current youth voting trends in context with recent elections. A new Chapter 8 covering the elections of 2008, 2012, and 2014—looking ahead to 2016.
This book focuses on the root causes of the generation gap in voter turnout—changes in media consumption habits over time.
This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book. Updated in...
"For years, political scientists have told their students that it doesn't make a difference whether they vote because one vote won't make a difference. This book is antidote to that...
This book focuses on the root causes of the generation gap in voter turnout—changes in media consumption habits over time.
81 Since the original 1965–1973 panel study, both generations were reinterviewed for a third time in 1982, and, ... Source: Youth–Parent Socialization Panel Study. all three waves, with feelings of civic duty consistently being 124 Do ...
This book explores the reasons why young people are less likely to follow politics and vote in the United States, no matter who the candidates are, or what the issues may be.
"For years, political scientists have told their students that it doesn't make a difference whether they vote because one vote won't make a difference. This book is antidote to that...
New to the Fifth Edition For the first time since its original 2006 publication, the entire text has been updated with the most recent available data and analysis. A new chapter has been added--Young People and Politics in the Trump Era.