In this work he described the three laws of motion as well as the law of universal gravity. This work would go down as one of the most important works in the history of science.
A biography of the seventeenth-century English scientist who developed the theory of gravity, discovered the secrets of light and color, and formulated the system of calculus.
In 1665, when an epidemic of the plague forced Cambridge University to close, Isaac Newton, then a young, undistinguished scholar, returned to his childhood home in rural England.
Newton was an authentic genius with all too human faults. This book captures both sides of this truly extraordinary man.
In 1665, when an epidemic of the plague forced Cambridge University to close, Isaac Newton, then a young, undistinguished scholar, returned to his childhood home in rural England.
A short biography about Isaac Newton the scientist. Groundbreakers: Scientists And Inventors.
This book traces the life of Isaac Newton, from his early childhood and education through his sources of inspiration and challenges faced, early successes, and the work on gravity and light for which he is best known.
Presents a brief biography of Isaac Newton, providing information on his childhood, his education, and his achievements in science.
Regarded as the most influential scientist of all time, Isaac Newton made amazing strides in both physics and mathematics.
This is the essential guide to the life, work and legacy of one of the greatest geniuses of all time.
In this Christian Encounter Series biography, author Mitch Stokes explores the life of Isaac Newton, the man behind the atomic theory.
Keen to learn but short on time? Get to grips with the life and career of Isaac Newton in next to no time with this concise guide. provides a clear and engaging analysis of the life and work of Isaac Newton.
Here is a compelling portrait of Newton, contradictions and all, that places him against the backdrop of 17th-century England, a time of plague, the Great Fire of London, and two revolutions.
Isaac Newton: Giants of Science
James Gleick has long been fascinated by the making of science—how ideas order visible appearances, how equations can give meaning to molecular and stellar phenomena, how theories can transform what...
Sir Isaac Newton (December 25, 1642 - March 20, 1726/27) was an English physicist and mathematician who is widely recognised as one of the most influential scientists of all time and a key figure in the scientific revolution.
"Unknown to all but a few, Newton was a practicing alchemist who dabbled with the occult, a tortured, obsessive character who searched for an understanding of the universe by whatever...
Isaac Newton is best known for his theories of motion and gravitation.
A biography of the seventeenth-century English scientist who formulated the theory of gravity, discovered the secrets of light and color, and formulated the system of calculus.