
  • Islam: Questions and Answers: Islamic History and Biography
    By Muhammad Saed Abdul-Rahman

    ... the month of Ramadaan was enjoined in Sha'baan 2 AH, and that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) fasted nine Ramadaans, because he (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) died in Rabee' al-Awwal 11 AH.

  • Islam: Questions And Answers - Schools of Thought, Religions and Sects
    By Muhammad Saed Abdul-Rahman

    ... Awwal 1394 AH (April 1974), a major conference was held by the Muslim World League in Makkah, which was attended by representatives of Muslim organizations from around the world. This conference announced that this sect is Kaafir ...

  • Islam: Continuity and Change in the Modern World, Second Edition
    By John Obert Voll

    R. Campbell ( Berkeley : Mizan Press , 1982 ) . 22. Shahrough Akhavi , Religion and Politics in Contemporary Iran ( Albany : State University of New York Press , 1980 ) , p . 174 . 23. Nikki R. Keddie , Roots of Revolution ( New Haven ...

  • Islam: A Short History
    By Karen Armstrong

    Traces the history of Islam, from the flight of Muhammad and the founding of the first mosques to the development of the modern Muslim state, and examines its present beliefs and practices.

  • Islam
    By David Rose

    Book includes background information, activities, themes and practical extension ideas.

  • Islam: A Short History
    By Karen Armstrong

    i0TTA|lEDEll, Roy, The Mantle qf the Prophet: Religion and Politics in Iran (London, 1985) NASR, Seyyid Hosain, Ideals and Realities of Islam (London, 1966) PETERS, F. E., The Haj/F The Muslim Pilgrimage to Mecca and the Holy Places ...

  • Islam: A Thousand Years of Faith and Power
    By Jonathan Bloom, Sheila Blair

    See Ibrahim Abu Bakr, 37, 49-50 Abu'l-Faraj al-Isfahani, l46-47 Abu Hanifa, 56 Abu'l-Abbas "the bloody," 74-75 ... I77 Alfonso X, "the Wise," of Spain, l37 Algeria, I00, l40, I95, l98 Alhambra, l78-80 Ali ibn Abi Talib, 30, 49, ...

  • Islam: The World's Deadliest Faith
    By Mark Salinger

    This true story follows the twenty five year career of a Drug Enforcement Administration Special Agent from rookie on the streets of New York City to senior manager of DEA's money laundering undercover operations on three continents.

  • Islam: A Concise Introduction
    By Neal Robinson

    As for the scandal surrounding the newlyelected MP for Govan in Glasgow, there is no mention of the reactionsof Britain's Muslims, many ofwhom feel that hehas disgraced notjust himselfbut themand thewhole oftheir community.

  • Islam
    By Karen Armstrong


  • Islam: geschiedenis van een wereldgodsdienst
    By Karen Armstrong, Shirah Lachmann

    Islam: geschiedenis van een wereldgodsdienst

  • Islam: A Short History
    By Karen Armstrong

    NE on the Irish FELIPE FERNANDEZ-;\R.\lliSTO on the .'\lI'lCfiC1lS LAWRENCE FRlEDMA.\' on law in Aineric-.1 PAUL FUSSELL on World \\"l1r ll in liurope ALISTAIR HORNE on the age of Napoleon PAuL]on.\"s0N on the Renaissance TONY_]UI)'|' ...

  • Islam: The True Faith, the Religion of Humanity
    By Daoud Ahmed Faisal, Muhammed al Ahari

    One detractor, an ArabAmerican academician, Nadim Makdisi, asserted that Sheik Daoud's claims to West African and Moorish origins were pure fantasy. Makdisi writes, “The Islamic Mission, headed by Sheikh Daoud Faisal, is a controversial ...

  • Islam: The Seal and Syntheses of Divine Revelations
    By Osman Sheikh Ahmed

    Islam: The Seal and Syntheses of Divine Revelations

  • Islam: State And Society
    By Klaus Ferdinand

    In: Breckle, SN. and' Naumann, C.M. (eds): Forschungen in und u'ber Afghanistan. Mitteillungen des Deutsches Orient-Instituts, Nummer 22, Hamburg. Poullada, Leon B., 1970 'The Pushtun Role in the Afghan Political System'.

  • Islam
    By Jamila Hussain

    35 Alison Booth, Andrew Leigh and Elena Varganova, “Does Racial and Ethnic Discrimination Vary Across Minority Groups? Evidence From a Field Experiment” (2010). 36 Quoted in Jock Collins, “Arab Entrepreneurs in Australia” (2002).

  • Islam: Its Beginnings and History, Its Theology and Its Importance Today
    By Robert Crotty, Terence Lovat

    Dahlén, A (2008). Sufi Islam. In P Clarke & P Beyer (Eds), The world's religions: Continuities and transformations (pp 678-695). New York: Routledge. Davies, PR (1998). Scribes and schools. The canonisation of the Hebrew Scriptures.

  • Islam: The Enemy
    By Richard Crandall

    Or, more specifically, which revelations from the angel Gabriel went into the Koran and which did not? The chapters with the biography of Muhammad have several instances where the angel Gabriel came to Muhammad with revelations which ...

  • Islam
    By John Alden Williams

    The sins of man occur by God's will (irāda), wish (mashī'a), ordinance (qaḍā'), and power (qadr), but not by His pleasure (riḍa), love (maḥabba) and command (amr), according to His Word, be He exalted: "He whom God wills to send astray, ...

  • Islam: Do We Know It
    By Andy Shane

    This is just a Sample from th description of paradise and their successful people : Surat 56 Al-Waqi'ah (The Inevitable) verses 10 to 38: 10. And the forerunners, the forerunners. 12. In the Gardens of Bliss. 13. 14. 15. 16.