Lavishly illustrated and written in an accessible style, Islam: An Illustrated Journey tells the story of Islam, a faith that is today practised by more than a billion people and is the fastest growing religion in the world.
This children's book explores the religion's vibrant history while answering questions such as why Muslims fast, what the five pillars of Islam are, and what happens during the pilgrimage to Mecca.
Islam: Faith and Practice
An introductory treatise on Islamic beliefs, laws and ethics as well as the early history of the faith in fifty lessons.
Islam: Faith and Practice
This book sets out the basic framework of Islamic belief and practice.
Islam: Faith and Practice
This concise book is among the finest introductions to Islam for an educated readership.
Islam: A Prelection Delivered Before the University of Dublin, March 10, 1903
He has allowed Islamic terrorism to flourish globally due to his lack of knowledge. His weakness out of ignorance has thus made the world a more dangerous place for us all. Obama always boasts of killing Osama bin Laden and putting ...
Why, asks Bulliet, did Islam become so rooted in the social structure of the Middle East and North Africa, as well as in those parts of Asia and Africa to which it spread after the tenth century?
For more than two decades the world religions have been a central topic for Hans Kung. In books which have inspired millions throughout human society, he has pioneered work towards...
Malise Ruthven's Very Short Introduction contains essential insights into issues such as why Islam has such major divisions between movements such as the Shi'ites, the Sunnis, and the Wahhabis, and the central importance of the Shar'ia ...
This second edition of Islam: A Brief History is the ideal introduction, offering readers a concise yet thoroughly absorbing account of a faith that is shared by more than a billion people today.
In this refreshingly different book one can relish the works and ideas of numerous Muslim scholars and leaders of the 20th century.
L'ensemble réuni sous le titre Islam permet une double approche des sociétés musulmanes du Moyen-Orient : Bernard Lewis, qui, à l'échelle mondiale, s'impose comme la figure dominante dans le décryptage des sociétés et des cultures ...
Jan Opsal gir i denne boken en innføring i islam som en levende religion.
Whatever your political, personal, or religious views, this book will help you understand Islam’s reality.
We live in a time when knowledge is constantly increasing.
SYED AMEER ALI (1849-1928) was an Indian Muslim who wrote several books about Islamic history and practice, as well as Islamic law. A respected jurist himself, and a descendant of Mohammad, Ali's words were extremely influential.