Islamic Law

  • Islamic Law: Cases, Authorities and Worldview
    By Ahmad Atif Ahmad

    Item 2 situates government in a clear relationship to laws but is not comprehensive in its treatment of the ... Bimb vs Lim Kok Hoe & Other Appeals, Cambridge Law Journal 2009, 6 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2009), pp. 22–40.

  • Islamic Law: From Historical Foundations to Contemporary Practice
    By Mawil Izzi Dien, Mūʼil Yūsuf ʻIzz al-Dīn

    Covering the key topics in the area--including the history, sources and formation of Islamic law, the legal mechanisms, and the contemporary context--it is strong in its coverage of the modern perspective, which distinguishes this book from ...

  • Islamic Law: A Very Short Introduction
    By Mashood A. Baderin

    ABOUT THE SERIES: The Very Short Introductions series from Oxford University Press contains hundreds of titles in almost every subject area. These pocket-sized books are the perfect way to get ahead in a new subject quickly.

  • Islamic Law
    By Gavin N. Picken

    "Islamic law is a legal tradition entrenched within a religious context; it is one of the most intriguing and fascinating areas of Islamic Studies. Many practitioners of Islam believe that...

  • Islamic Law: A Very Short Introduction
    By Mashood A. Baderin

    This book provides a critical overview of the theory, scope, and practice of Islamic law, taking into account both classical and modern scholarly perspectives in examining the various facets of this key legal system.

  • Islamic Law: A Very Short Introduction
    By Mashood A. Baderin

    prohibition of price manipulation and encouragement of disclosure generally . Freedom of contract Generally , there is freedom of contract under Islamic law . Thus , every adult has capacity to contract either by themselves or through ...

  • Islamic Law: Theory and Practice
    By Robert Gleave, Eugenia Kermeli

    This text deals with the theory and practice of Islamic law in both the formative classic and modern periods and over a range of societies.

  • Islamic Law: From Historical Foundations to Contemporary Practice
    By Mūʼil Yūsuf ʻIzz al-Dīn

    This survey of Islamic Law combines Western and Islamic views and describes the relationship between the original theories of Islamic law and the views of contemporary Islamic writers. Covering the...