O'Brien was there to see and record it all, in beautifully vivid detail. Funny, exuberant, unfailingly honest, Jack Be Nimble is the tale of those missing heroes, performances, and cultural battles.
It is Jack's birthday. He and his friends play many jumping games at the party. Will Jack jump over his birthday candles?
Jack Be Nimble
An adaptation of a nusery rhyme
It is Jacks birthday. He and his friends play many jumping games at the party. Will Jack jump over his birthday candles?
And what is he doing with Annie, a hardheaded Communist; Lucy, a weird feminist poet from south London; and Nelly, a Yugoslav housewife, whose passion for cooking and eating is ruining her marriage?Jack Warliss does not know the answer to ...
Did Detective Jack DeAngelis actually commit a series of increasingly violent crimes or is he clairvoyant?
"A memoir from Jack O'Brien, one of America's best-loved theater directors and winner of three Tonys"--
A novella of Jack Forbes stories.