A landmark publication that sheds new light on the work of Jaques-Louis David, the most celebrated artist of his time
In these revealing essays on David's modernity, Dorothy Johnson examines the aesthetic innovations and ongoing artistic metamorphosis that shaped a career attuned to intellectual as well as political change.
A landmark publication that sheds new light on the work of Jaques-Louis David, the most celebrated artist of his time
Work of French painter Jacques-Louis David.
The political and personal influences which dictated the choice of themes in David's art are explored in this book. It provides an analysis of this particular work's iconography.
Leven en werk van de Franse schilder Jacques Louis David (1748-18225).
The essays present new historical, archival, and interpretative material from diverse methodological vantage points in clear and lucid prose that makes the volume particularly accessible to a broader public interested in learning more about ...
Jacques-Louis David was an influential French painter in the Neoclassical style, considered to be the greatest painter of the era.