Jeremiah and Lamentations

  • Jeremiah and Lamentations
    By Steven M. Voth, Paul W. Ferris

    Prisoners wearing little clothing being led away by Assyrian captors Todd Bolen/ Two important aspects of this garment need to be underlined. First, this is a garment that clings to the body; it is not like a girdle ...

  • Jeremiah and Lamentations
    By John Andrew Dearman

    ... John H. Walton Matthew, Michael J. Wilkins Exodus, Peter Enns Mark, David E. Garland Leviticus/Numbers, ... Scott Hafemann 1-2 Chronicles, Andrew E. Hill Galatians, Scot McKnight Ezra/Nehemiah, Douglas J. Green Ephesians, ...

  • Jeremiah and Lamentations: An Introduction and Commentary
    By Hetty Lalleman

    Lifting out the understated themes of love, grace, promise and renewal in Jeremiah and Lamentations, this commentary by Hetty Lalleman opens our eyes to an important chapter in salvation history.

  • Jeremiah and Lamentations
    By R. K. Harrison

    Miljenko Jergovic’s remarkable début collection of stories, Sarajevo Marlboro – winner of the Erich Maria Remarque Peace Prize – earned him wide acclaim throughout Europe.

  • Jeremiah and Lamentations: The Death of a Dream, and What Came After
    By Michael Wilcock

    Jeremiah was set aside to be the prophet to the nations

  • Jeremiah and Lamentations
    By Timothy M. Willis

    Jeremiah and Lamentations

  • Jeremiah and Lamentations: From Sorrow to Hope
    By Philip Graham Ryken

    Ryken applies Jeremiah's words to a contemporary audience, urging readers to search out spiritual fractures that may lie beneath the comfortable surface of daily life. Now with ESV Scripture references.

  • Jeremiah and Lamentations
    By Irving L. Jensen

    Lamentations is an appropriate sequel to this book, for it looks back to the event that Jeremiah anticipated, the fall of Jerusalem.

  • Jeremiah and Lamentations: An Introduction and Commentary
    By Roland Kenneth Harrison

    The two books which comprise this commentary deal with one of the most tragic events in the life of the Chosen People. The first gives the reader a picture of...

  • Jeremiah and Lamentations
    By John Calvin

    The Crossway Classic Commentary Series, carefully adapted for maximum understanding and usefulness, presents the very best work on individual Bible books for today's believers.

  • Jeremiah and Lamentations: An Introduction and Commentary
    By Hetty Lalleman

    Lifting out the understated themes of love, grace, promise and renewal in Jeremiah and Lamentations, this commentary by Hetty Lalleman opens our eyes to an important chapter in salvation history.

  • Jeremiah and Lamentations
    By John Calvin, Jean Calvin

    Explains Jeremiah's emphasis on God's mercy and kindness toward His chosen but erring people.

  • Jeremiah and Lamentations
    By J. Daniel Hays

    His work on Jeremiah and Lamentations is going to serve very well those who teach and preach from these inspired texts. Balance, insight, careful exegesis, and healthy theology characterize this book.

  • Jeremiah and Lamentations
    By Jean Calvin

    In this Crossway Classic Commentary, John Calvin explains the prophet Jeremiah's emphasis on God's mercy and kindness toward his chosen but erring people. Part of the Crossway Classic Commentary series.