
  • Jerusalem: From the Bronze Age to the Maccabees
    By A. Graeme Auld, Margarete Laura Steiner

    Wilkinson , J. , 1974 , ' Ancient Jerusalem : Its Water Supply and Population ' , Palestine Exploration Quarterly , 106 , pp33-51 . Williamson , H.G.M. , 1984 ' Nehemiah's Walls Revisited ' , Palestine Exploration Quarterly ...

  • Jerusalem
    By Alan Moore

    New York Times Bestseller Named one of the Best Books of the Year by NPR, the Washington Post, Kirkus Reviews, and Library Journal Winner of the Audie Award The New York Times bestseller from the author of Watchmen and V for Vendetta ...

  • Jerusalem
    By Alan Moore

    New York Times Bestseller Fierce in its imagining and stupefying in its scope, Jerusalem is the tale of everything, told from a vanished gutter.

  • Jerusalem: Vernall's inquest
    By Alan Moore

    "An opulent mythology through the labyrinthine streets and pages of Jerusalem tread ghosts that sing of wealth and poverty; of Africa, and hymns, and our threadbare millennium.

  • Jerusalem
    By Selma Lagerlöf

    Nachdruck des Originals von Selma Lagerlof. Jerusalem schildert ausgehend von einer wahren Begebenheit die Reise einiger schwedischen Bauern nach Jerusalem.

  • Jerusalem: A Novel, from the Swedish of Selma Lagerlof
    By Selma Lagerlöf

    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it.

  • Jerusalem
    By Selma Lagerlöf

    As yet the only woman winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature, the prize awarded to Kipling, Maeterlinck, and Hauptmann, is the Swedish author of this book, "Jerusalem.

  • Jerusalem: One City, Three Faiths
    By Karen Armstrong

    A comprehensive history of Jerusalem, the holy city venerated by the Christian, Jewish, and Muslim faiths, explains how the city became a defining site for the three religions, following its development from its earliest origins to the ...

  • Jerusalem: One City, Three Faiths
    By Karen Armstrong

    In the Eden story, we can see what the divine meant for the Israelite worshippers in Solomon's Temple. As in all the myths of the lost paradise, Eden was a place where there had been easy access to the heavenly world.

  • Jerusalem
    By Alan Moore

    Since it was a bigger table, there were lots more balls in play, and it was lucky that the builders would call out the colour of the ball that they were going for, since all of them were grey or black or white to Freddy and his friends.

  • Jerusalem: The Topography, Economics and History from the Earliest Times to AD 70
    By George Adam Smith

    Philip, 2. Phrygian, given command of the Akra by Antiochus, 434. Philip, son of Herod, 478. Philip 11. of Spain, 35 n. Philistia, 129 n., 154, 159 n. ; Hasmonean campaign in, 459. Philistines attack David, 29 f. ; his campaigns against ...

  • Jerusalem: tro, historie, politik
    By Karen Armstrong, Henrik Mossin

    Karen Armstrong var katolsk nonne fra 1962 til 1969.

  • Jerusalem: The Biography
    By Simon Sebag Montefiore

    ... 289 , 291-2 Napoleonic siege , 330-1 see also Ptolemais Actian Games , 88 Actium , Battle of , 86,93 Adam , 22 , 32n , 160 , 178 , 191 , 194 Adams , John , President , 353 , 392 Adelaide , Queen of Jerusalem , 227-8 Adhemar of Le ...

  • Jerusalem: City of Longing
    By Simon Goldhill

    Reich was without the greatest of hopes and free of grand theories. To the total amazement of everyone concerned, the excavators discovered a huge tower by the spring. It was built out of massive, rough blocks of stone, six feet long, ...

  • Jerusalem: The Biography
    By Simon Sebag Montefiore

    On archaeology : author conversations with Dan Bahat and Ronny Reich . New dating of Megiddo , Hazor , Gezer : Finkelstein / Silberman 134-41 ; Omrid building in Megiddo vs. Solomon : Finkelstein / Silberman 180–5 .

  • Jerusalem: Die Biographie
    By Simon Sebag Montefiore

    Denn nur Jerusalem existiert zweimal: im Himmel und auf Erden. »Montefiore erzählt so lebendig, dass man wie bei einem Krimi das Buch nicht aus der Hand legen kann.« Deutschlandfunk »Simon Montefiore ist ein wunderbarer Historiker.

  • Jerusalem
    By Simon Goldhill

    Alexander's appointed chaplain, however, was George Williams, a fellow of King's College, Cambridge. He was certainly a Christian with strong moral principles. In 1859, he resigned from his position in the university because he felt the ...

  • Jerusalem: The Emanation of the Giant Albion
    By William Blake

    Milton a poem and the final illuminated works: The ghost of Abel; On Homer's poetry [and] on Virgil Laocoon, v.5. The Urizen books; The first book of Urizen; The book of Ahania; The book of Los, v.6.

  • Jerusalem: A Brief History
    By Michael Zank

    The work could not have been done without access to Harvard's Widener Library and Boston University's Mugar and School of Theology libraries. This book would not be the same without the original drawings by Miriam Shenitzer.

  • Jerusalem: A Brief History
    By Michael Zank

    Lastly, the book returns to present day Jerusalem to examine the development of the modern city under the Ottomans and the British, the history of division and reunification, and the ongoing jostling over access to, and sovereignty over, ...