Jesus Christ

  • Jesus Christ: Framework Course II: His Mission and Ministry
    By Michael Pennock

    The text follows Course II of the new curriculum framework. It is also applicable for a Christology course apart from the framework sequence.

  • Jesus Christ: God's Revelation to the World
    By Michael Pennock

    While this text is a study of both the Old and New Testaments, it begins by centering on the nature of God and a person's natural instinct to search for God.Jesus Christ: God's Revelation to the World is a versatile text that follows the ...

  • Jesus Christ: Source of Our Salvation
    By Michael Pennock

    This text unpacks the meaning of God's sacred and mysterious plan from creation, onward to the consequences of the fall and the promise of a Savior, while ultimately focusing on the Life, Passion, Death, and Resurrection of Jesus Christ.

  • Jesus Christ: A Pagan Myth - Evidence That Jesus Never Existed
    By Laurence E. Dalton, Shirley Strutton Dalton

    Vol I Jesus Christ: A Pagan Myth." This is the third edition and has been revised and expanded. Over 150 pages of new material has been added. So be sure to check out "Jesus Never Lived! Vol 1 Jesus Christ: A Pagan Myth."

  • Jesus Christ: Teacher, Servant, and Savior
    By John Stott

    In this Bible study guide you can explore Scripture under his guidance, enhancing your own in-depth study with insights gained from his years of immersion in God's Word.

  • Jesus Christ: The Only Sure Foundation
    By Robert L. Millet

    "An amalgamation and revision of 'By grace we are saved' and 'Life in Christ'" by Robert L. Millet.

  • Jesus Christ: The Missing Years and the Mysteries
    By James K. Ocansey

    The mysteries of Jesus and the Bible are finally revealed in this explosive new book by James Kwaku Ocansey as he unearths the shocking connection between Jesus's missing years from the ages of twelve to thirty and his studies of ancient ...

  • Jesus Christ: His Life and Teaching Vol.1, Beginning of the Gospel
    By Ilarion, Metropolitan Hilarion Alfeyev

    Hilarion Alfeyev devotes the entire second volume of the series Jesus Christ: His Life and Teaching to an exposition of the Sermon on the Mount, drawing upon the tradition of the Orthodox Church, patristic exegesis, and modern biblical ...

  • Jesus Christ: Return of the King of Kings and Lord of Lords
    By Mark S Chiaramonte

    An astonishing account of hundreds of authentic Holy Spirit visitations revealing prophetic events associated with the imminent return of Jesus Christ.