The Triumph of the I Jght The Life-Light blazed out of the darkness; the darkness couldn't put it out. ... In the nineteenth century a party led by the explorers Robert Burke and William Wills set out from Melbourne to attempt to make ...
King's Ambassadors Matthew 10:22b-23 A. Enduring Persecution (10:22b) But he that endures to the end, the same shall be saved. What end, death? the Second Coming? the end of the world? In Old Testament prophecy and in Jesus' teaching ...
She saw heads crane upward, and the stretcher coming down on ropes, and Jesus in the open space alone, a perfectly happy grin on his face. Hoo-hoo! Look how the widow has caused her son to grin! “Take heart, my son,” said Jesus to the ...
He did not read about 'wise men' being 'Gentiles' at the birth of Jesus. He read about 'magoi from the East' (Mt. 2.1). From his point of view they were something like magicians or astrologers, and the notion that 'we saw his star in ...
John MacArthur, Hard to Believe (Nashville: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 2003), 7–8, 78–82, 86–87, 111–13. 4. MacArthur, Truth for Today, 49–50. JESUS, THE MIGHTY WARRIOR 1. John Eldredge, Waking the Dead (Nashville: Thomas Nelson ...
Because of its accessible language and organization, especially recommended for those seeking an introductory resource on the topic. Throckmorton, B. H., ed. Gospel Parallels. 5th ed. Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1992.
Johnson's intelligent and conversational style, as well as his ability to distill complex subjects into succinct, highly readable works, make this book the ideal match of a major historian with a major subject.
The author of this book argues that a close examination of the Gospels in their historic and religious context reveals St. Mark's text as the most plausible account of how Jesus saw himself and how he was perceived by his contemporaries
The ultimate goal of this book is for my readers to know the Christ of Scripture more intimately by using sound principles of biblical interpretation that come from Jesus Himself.
“You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain, for the Lord will not hold him guiltless who take His name in vain.” Higher Aspect: To condemn God is to condemn yourself “Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it Holy.
“James Martin’s riveting new meditation on Jesus is one of the best books I’ve read in years—on any subject.” — Mary Karr, author of Lit James Martin, SJ, gifted storyteller, editor at large of America magazine, popular media ...
Brennan Manning, Abba's Child: The Cry of the Heart for Intimate Belonging, rev. ed. (Colorado Springs: Navpress, 2002), 109. Manning continues: “God pazzo d'amore and ebro d'amore ('crazed with love' and 'drunk with love'— Catherine of ...
If I could read only one of these , I would read the first one : No Wonder They Call Him Savior , Max Lucado Know What You Believe , Paul Little Concise Theology , James I. Packer The Words and Works of Jesus Christ , J. Dwight ...
Lefernoe, Josseoaster of st-sebastiano co-sosyosée du Petit Poes Avignon. France/ Bridgeman Images. 238, Kharbone-sapabor/theast Archive at Art Resource, no.2al robert car. 244-245 ochrist and the canaanite woman" loos-1784 (oloncanvas) ...
Thank you , Ellen G. White . For me , her prophetic words are inspired and timeless . Mrs. White knew Jesus in a way few of us have ever been privileged to know Him . She richly deserves , but would never have sought , the honor of ...
Profiles Jesus Christ as the human face of God, taking into the account the multiple ways his life has been viewed and retold, and dramatizing the transformation from a man to a myth.
1387–1455 ] : Museo di San Marco dell'Angelico , Florence , Italy ) , 40 ( aurcus ( obverse ) of Nero ( 5468 CE ] wearing a laurel wreath ; inscription : NERO CAESAR AVGVSTVS ( gold ) by Roman [ first century John Rylands Library : p .
Jesus: Who, Why...So What?
Written in an engaging, straightforward style, this is a book for anyone wanting to know more about Jesus.