... 17 Braintree , Massachusetts ( now Quincy ) , 15 Bunker Hill , Battle of , 16 , 17 С Calhoun , John C. , 36 Clay ... 39 First Seminole War , 31 Franklin , Benjamin , 17 Frazier , Mary , 21 G Ghent , Belgium , 30 Ghent , Treaty of ...
Of particular importance are the works of Peter S. Onuf, including: The Origins of the Federal Republic: ... The Elusive Republic: Political Economy in Jeffersonian America (Chapel Hill, N.C., 1980); and John R. Nelson Jr., ...
John Quincy Adams David Waldstreicher. Skinner, Tompson J. (U.S. representative from Massachusetts), 95, 98, 142 Slade, Mr. (American in St. Petersburg), 239–40 Slave insurrections, 304 Slavery, 108, 384,460, 547, 557, 559, 596; ...
“about the monstrous union between Clay & Adams." Martin Van Buren was thunderstruck. If you do this, he told a Kentucky representative, “you sign Mr. Clay's political death warrant. He will never become President be your motives as ...
A portrait of the early nineteenth-century president documents his career with the House of Representatives, efforts to create a consolidated national government, role as a diplomat, contributions to foreign policy, and antislavery ...
A biography of the sixth president of the United States, providing information on his childhood, education, family, political career, time as president, and legacy.
Adams's " second career " following his presidency is fully described in Bemis's second volume , but is also the particular subject of Leonard L. Richards , The Life and Times of Congressman John Quincy Adams ( New York , 1986 ) .
John Quincy Adams would not question the stars; he always accepted, perhaps all too readily, the tyranny of “must.” In mid-May he boarded a carriage for the Breton seaport of L'Orient, “with such feelings as no one that has not been ...
Hamilton and his friends. Nevertheless upon Mr. Adams was heaped the odium they excited. The leading measures of his administration—the demonstration against France; the standing army; the direct taxation; the alien and sedition ...
... Jim (Creek emissary), 104 Tallmadge, James (New York lieutenant governor), 86 Tallmadge, Nathaniel P. (U.S. senator from New York), 533, 592 Taney, Roger B.: 91; U.S. secretary of the treasury, 313; U.S. Supreme Court chief justice, ...
“There is much to praise in this extensively researched book, which is certainly one of the finest biographies of a sadly underrated man. . . . [Kaplan is] a master historian and biographer.
" But John Quincy Adams is first and foremost the story of a brilliant, flinty, and unyielding man whose life exemplified admirable political courage.
Examines the role of the sixth U.S. president in helping form the nation, from negotiating the end of the War of 1812 to winning the Supreme Court case that freed the Amistad's African captives.
A study of the sixth president's private and public lives based on his journals, correspondence and memoirs
In this concise biography, Lynn Hudson Parsons masterfully chronicles the life of one of America's most absorbing figures.
Opening with an interest-grabbing introduction, each biography brings out the character of the man -- his early life and its influence on his political aspirations, his election, important events (both good and bad) that occurred during his ...
February 21, 1848, the House of Representatives, Washington D.C.: Congressman John Quincy Adams, rising to speak, suddenly collapses at his desk; two days later, he dies in the Speaker’s chamber.
A biography of John Quincy Adams, the only former president to serve in the United States House of Representatives, whose antislavery position led him to argue the Amistad case before the Supreme Court.
A magisterial biography and a sweeping panorama of American history from the Washington to Lincoln eras, Unger's John Quincy Adams follows one of America's most important yet least-known figures.
He seemed a relic of a discredited, eighteenth-century political world. Yet John Quincy Adams has not shared the fate of other presidential failures who have faded almost entirely from the national memory.