Elaine Polan and Daphne Taylor guide you through the life cycle—from conception to old age—with an emphasis on health promotion, maintenance, and restoration in clinical practice.
Emphasis on clinical application "Helpful Hints" boxes that highlight important facts Easy-to-understand tables, illustrations, and photographs Multiple-choice questions that assess mastery of the material Chapter summaries with key points ...
Elain Polan and Daphne Taylor guide you through the life cycle-from conception to old age-with an emphasis on health promotion, maintenance, and restoration in clinical practice.
Journey Across the Lifespan, 7th Edition is also available in Davis Advantage LPN/LVN Full Curriculum or Completer Set.
Authors Elaine Polan and Daphne Taylor provide the most reliable and comprehensive instruction for applying health promotion to the clinical setting.
"This textbook is designed to assist students int heir study of the life cycle from conception to old age.