Journey of Adulthood

  • Journey of Adulthood
    By Barbara R. Bjorklund

    This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book.

  • Journey of Adulthood
    By Barbara R. Bjorklund

    This package contains the following components: -0205699421: MySearchLab -020501805X: Journey of Adulthood

  • Journey of Adulthood
    By Barbara R. Bjorklund

    ALERT: Before you purchase, check with your instructor or review your course syllabus to ensure that youselect the correct ISBN.

  • Journey of Adulthood
    By Barbara R. Bjorklund

    Combining new and classic research as well as first person experience of adult development, author Barbara Bjorklund explains the development of adults as they leave adolescence and move through their adult years until the end of life.

  • Journey of Adulthood
    By Barbara Bjorklund, Julie Earles

    Joining author Barbara Bjorklund for the 9th Edition, new co-author Julie Earles brings a fresh perspective to the text.