She stepped directly in front of him, softly placed her hands on each side of his face and angled it gently upward till their eyes met. The sorrow and shame evident there broke her heart. She spoke softly. “Stewart, tell me why you ...
Journey of Hope: Sources of the Corrymeela Vision
One of the greatest success stories ever told unfolds in the pages of this compelling, three-dimensional book. Through intimate letters, journals, and diaries of actual immigrants, Journey of Hope chronicles...
In Journey of Hope, Kenneth C. Barnes explains why so many black Arkansas sharecroppers dreamed of Africa and how their dreams of Liberia differed from the reality.
I did jumping jacks, knee crunches, jump squats, a lot of walking on the treadmill and many other exercises. ... I'd made a connection with Baby Quest and Dr. Peters, and I felt that I was in good hands and was pointed in the right ...
Three young women leave Independence MO in the spring of 1852 on a wagon train bound for Oregon.
l think you will find the words quite chilling , " Walter told the gathering . The passage ended , " Did ever a people hear the voice of God speaking out of a fire , as you have , and live ?
The works range from the poignantly abstract to the grippingly realistic and feature techniques including piecing, painting, appliqué, embroidery, dyeing, beading, and more.
Theirs is one of the greatest success stories this country has ever known. Now read the true story of the Irish and their immigration to America, of the triumphant rise...
The extraordinary story of a man's survival in the face of great adversity. Fostered as a baby and placed in four state-run institutions, Michael was kidnapped by his father and returned home to an abusive mother.