Annotated in his wry, inimitable voice, Juergen Teller presents over three decades of fashion and editorial work in a groundbreaking volume that combines photography, collage, and candid (and often humorous)...
For a German soccer enthusiast like Juergen Teller, summer 2014 couldn t have been any better.
And as the Americans once said to me, 'Where's the money shot?' I looked at them puzzled. 'Show me the money shot!' they repeated. Here they are: the money shots in this collection of images for my new book." Juergen Teller
This book traces the five-year construction of Plumtree Court, Goldman Sachs' new headquarters in Central London, through Juergen Teller's inimitable vision.
The book combines these works with self-portraits and family photographs through the same period, adding the perspective of the personal and quotidian life cycle to a site that has world-historical importance.