... Diego [ 5 ] 203 Riyadh ( Ar - Riyad ) , Sa'udi Arabia [ 7 ] 89 Rizal , José [ 6 ] 201 , [ 6 ] 211 Robespierre , Maximilien [ 3 ] 144 Robinson Crusoe Island [ 2 ] 120 Rocky Mountains [ 2 ] 60 , [ 9 ] 58 Rodrigues , Mauritius ...
Provides information on 192 countries, with subjects including geography, demographics, economics, and social information.
Junior Worldmark Encyclopedia of the Nations
Junior Worldmark Encyclopedia of the Nations: Afghanistan to Brunei Darussalam
The Civil War of the United States was the conflict between the states of the North and South from 1861 to 1865 . climatic belt : A region or zone where a particular type of climate prevails . Club du Sahel : The Club du Sahel is an ...
Provides information on 192 countries, with subjects including geography, demographics, economics, and social information.
Junior Worldmark Encyclopedia of the Nations
Contains alphabetized profiles of 194 countries, each presenting information in thirty-four categories such as climate, environment, ethnic groups, transportation, government, industry, health, and media, as well as a short bibliography.
The countries of the world in an encyclopedia set.
The countries of the world in an encyclopedia set.
Provides information on 192 countries, with subjects including geography, demographics, economics, and social information.
Provides information on 192 countries, with subjects including geography, demographics, economics, and social information.
Junior Worldmark Encyclopedia of the Nations
Junior Worldmark Encyclopedia of the Nations
Provides information on 192 countries, with subjects including geography, demographics, economics, and social information.
Provides information on 192 countries, with subjects including geography, demographics, economics, and social information.
Provides information on 192 countries, with subjects including geography, demographics, economics, and social information.
Provides information on 192 countries, with subjects including geography, demographics, economics, and social information.
Provides information on 192 countries, with subjects including geography, demographics, economics, and social information.
Provides information on 192 countries, with subjects including geography, demographics, economics, and social information.