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The Public Opinion Quarterly 61 (1): 16–53. Seligman, Clive, and Albert N. Katz. 1996. “The Dynamics of Value Systems,” in The Psychology of Values, ed. C. Seligman, J. M. Olson, and M. P. Zanna. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum: 53–75.
Justice in America: Courts, Lawyers, and the Judicial Process
In Justice in America, Anthony defense attorney J. Cheney Mason, who was brought in to save the case, asserts that the jury got it right, and that America, the media, and the public blinded by the nightly lights, got it all wrong.
Investigates how and why whites and African Americans have such radically different perceptions of the fairness of the justice system.
Justice in America: Law, Order, and the Courts