You can make a day trip to Port Townsend ( we cover the town in another itinerary ) or follow the frontage road past the ferry terminal to Fort Casey State Park ( open daily from 8 am until sundown ; 360-678-4519 ) .
Third becomes Brooks Hill Road , and from here it's a short and lovely drive out to Double Bluff Beach , not one of the prettiest , but certainly one of the better , beaches for collecting shells , digging up clams , and spotting bald ...
Map : 3 Newport Oar House Bed & Breakfast Originally The Bradshaw Boarding House ( in 1900 ) and later a bordello ... decorated with Persian carpets , Oriental objects d'art , nautical paraphernalia , and other eclectic assortments .
You can make a day trip to Port Townsend ( we cover the town in another itinerary ) or follow the frontage road past the ferry terminal to Fort Casey State Park ( open daily from 8 am until sundown ; 360-678-4519 ) .
Jim and Tracy have thought of everything . Meals , for example : a homecooked meal with complimentary beer and wine is served at 6 pm- then there are cookies and milk at bedtime and breakfast options as extensive as your imagination ...
Completely updated every year, Karen Brown Guides point you to the most charming inns and B&Bs in Europe and the USA.
This book highlights six regional countryside itineraries where travelers will see windswept sandy beaches, dense expanses of sylvan forests, dramatic river valleys, gently rolling hills, and towering snowcapped volcanoes.