Survey by the World Values Study Group, 1990–1993. In 1897 the Supreme Court tentatively began the process of selective nationalization, or incorporation, of most (but not all) of the protections of the Bill of Rights into the states' ...
Doug Kendall, “The Bench in Purgatory: The New Republican Obstructionism on Obama's Judicial Nominees,” Slate, ... David M. O'Brien, “Ironies and Disappointments: Bush and Federal Judgeships,” in Colin Campbell and Bert Rockman, eds., ...
9. Alan I. Abramowitz, “Exploring the Bases of Partisanship in the American Electorate: Social Identity vs. Ideology,” Political Research Quarterly 59 (2006): 175–187. 10. Alan I. Abramowitz and Kyle L. Saunders, ...
Nope, his dad told him, the argument was over Henry Wallace, circa 1948. His family was arguing passionately over a political controversy twenty years old, as if it had just taken place yesterday. Those are some serious political genes, ...
... planned a bus trip for one hundred students to Tallahassee to lobby state lawmakers. By Friday, Corin and Kasky had joined forces, and on Saturday they added David Hogg, a student journalist who had conducted interviews while they ...
In refuting John Edwards and other Democrats who have talked about “two Americas” and complain that rising income inequality leads to public distrust and conflict, Brooks concludes that if that were true, a deepening unhappiness over ...
Photo by Marc Royce/Corbis via Getty Images Perhaps all these qualities were honed from an early age, as she grew up on her family's Lazy B Ranch on the border of New Mexico and Arizona. As she has written, the ranch was “a place where ...
Such codified systems leave little to the discretion of judges in determining what the law is. Instead, the judge's job is to take an active role in getting at the truth. He or she investigates the facts, asks questions, and determines ...
Maria Puente, “Poll: Blacks' Confidence in Police Plummets,” USA Today, March 21, 1995, 3A' Michael Tonry, “Racial Politics, Racial Disparities, and the War on Crime,” Crime and Delinquency (1994): 475-494.
Candidates, and Issues in Congressional Elections,” in Lawrence Dodd and Bruce Oppenheimer, Congress Reconsidered, 6th ed. (Washington, D.C.: CQ Press, 1997); Gerald C. Wright and Michael Berkman, “Candidates and Policy Position in U.S. ...
Kenneth D. Wald, Dennis E. Owen, and Samuel S. Iill Ir., “Political Cohesion in Churches,” Iournal of Politics 52 (1990): 1974215; Robert Huckfeldt, Paul Allen Beck, Russell I. Dalton, and Ieffrey Levine, “Political Environments, ...
Keeping the Republic, Brief Edition, draws students into the study of American politics, showing them how to think critically about "who gets what, and how" while exploring the twin themes of power and citizenship.
" Now America's most respected governor explains just how close we've come to losing the republic, and how we can restore it to greatness. Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels has been called "the most presidential man in America.
"I consistently recommend the book to [colleagues] who are teaching American government for the first time.
"I consistently recommend the book to [colleagues] who are teaching American government for the first time.
Keeping the Republic, The Essentials is identical to the full version of the text, minus the three policy chapters.
Throughout the text and its features, authors Christine Barbour and Gerald Wright show students how to effectively apply the critical thinking skills they develop to the political information they encounter every day.
Power and Citizenship in American Politics - Brief Edition Christine Barbour, Gerald C. Wright ... As we saw in Chapter 5, America has a history of denying basic civil rights to some groups, but clearly tolerance in general has been on ...
Keeping the Republic: 4th Edition Full
In Keeping the Republic, Robert W. Smith identifies three contending brands of republicanism - classical, whig, and yeoman - that shaped the founders' thinking.