The entire book has been refocused to look not just at power and citizenship but at the role that control of information and its savvy consumption play in keeping the republic.
The key to this new fourth edition is thorough updating— including the 2008 elections—and the integration of subtle enhancements every class-tested, well-reviewed, and well developed book should offer.
Assignable Video with Assessment Assignable video (available with SAGE Vantage) is tied to learning objectives and curated exclusively for this text to bring concepts to life.
This edition offers the same features and benefits of the comprehensive text in 14 chapters.
Keeping the Republic, The Essentials is identical to the full version of the text, minus the three policy chapters. Also available as a digital option (courseware).
This edition includes 7 chapters on Texas politics and government, written by experts in the field and with the same themes and pedagogy as the core text. For more information, see Barbour/Wright, Keeping the Republic, 2/e.
Keeping The Republic: Power And Citizenship In American Politics
The First Edition of Keeping the Republic acknowledged that many students view politics irrelevant or unrelated to their lives.
Keeping the Republic, The Essentials is identical to the full version of the text, minus the three policy chapters.
The key to this new fourth edition is thorough updating— including the 2008 elections—and the integration of subtle enhancements every class-tested, well-reviewed, and well developed book should offer.
The key to this new fourth edition is thorough updating— including the 2008 elections—and the integration of subtle enhancements every class-tested, well-reviewed, and well developed book should offer.