Ri2c 11795 1500 1975 3050 4575 SE Short Bed R12C 14170 1650 2150 3250 4825 Troy Lee Short Bed R12C 15130 1825 2350 3475 5100 SE Cab Plus 2D R16C 16225 2150 2725 3900 5550 SE Cab Plus 4D R16C 16885 2700 3300 4500 6275 ...
A resource for prospective used car buyers lists purchasing tips, original prices, vehicle identification numbers, and used values according to condition, options and equipment, and mileage ranges for more than ten thousand models of used ...
Kelley Blue Book Used Car Guide: Private Party, Trade-In, Retail Values, 1988-2001 Used Car and Truck, January-June 2003
After plummeting through a hole in her backyard and finding herself once again in the room of mysterious jars, eleven-year-old Olive unwittingly releases two of Elsewhere's biggest, most cunning, most dangerous forces.
The consumer edition of the authoritative price guide includes retail data on domestic and imported cars, trucks, and vans, acceptable mileage ranges, and costs of specific optional factory features.
The consumer edition of the authoritative price guide includes retail data on domestic and imported cars, trucks, and vans, acceptable mileage ranges, and costs of specific optional factory features.
Includes retail data on domestic and imported cars, trucks, and vans, acceptable mileage ranges, and costs of specific optional factory features.
A How to Use This Book section discusses how to differentiate good from excellent vehicles, and lists typical reconditioning done by dealers.
The Consumer Edition of the Kelley Blue Book Used Car Guide, appearing twice a year, gives current private-party and trade-in values, along with retail value, vehicle identification number (VIN), original list price, and much more for ...
The comprehensive How to Use This Book section also includes valuable tips for purchasing a used car. This is the only such guide to cover 15 years of values.
More than 60 percent of the vehicles on America's roads are 12 years old or older. This twice-yearly guide is the ultimate authority on their retail value.
Updated twice each year, the Kelley Blue Book is the standard reference for defining the value of used cars.
Now published quarterly, the Consumer Edition of the Kelley Blue Book Used Car Guide includes current trade-in values, private party values, and suggested retail values on more than 10,000 models of used cars, trucks, and vans.
Essential for buyers and sellers [of used cars] alike (New York Daily News), the consumer edition of the Kelley Blue Book is the recognized authority in used vehicle pricing.
Published twice a year, this nationally recognized authority in used-vehicle pricing covers 15 years of values in an easy-to-read format. Whatever you do, do not shop for a used car without checking its value in the Kelley Blue Book.
The consumer edition of the authoritative price guide includes retail data on domestic and imported cars, trucks, and vans, acceptable mileage ranges, and costs of specific optional factory features.
The July-December edition covers model years 1988 listing vehicle identification numbers and original list prices, as well as trade-in, private-party, and retail values for vehicles in good condition
It includes easy-to-use equipment schedules with values for optional equipment and a table of acceptable mileage ranges by year. The comprehensive How to Use This Book section also includes a discussion of Tips on Buying a Used Car.
Free pricing reports for both new and used cars and trucks beginning with 1994. Used vehicle reports include both retail and trade-in values.
Updated twice a year, this consumer edition of the Blue Book includes retail data on domestic and imported cars, trucks, and vans, gives acceptable mileage ranges for each year of production, specific options, and more.