Now from Bill O’Reilly, anchor of The O’Reilly Factor, comes the most epic book of all in this multimillion-selling series: Killing Patton.
And that, Koch now explains to Patton as the general listens with his usual intensity, is what troubles him. There is something missing. The Third Army's proposed route across the Rhine and into Germany is defended by a small and ...
Killing Patton takes readers inside the final year of the war and recounts the events surrounding Patton's tragic demise, naming names of the many powerful individuals who wanted him silenced.
Killing Patton takes readers inside the final year of the war and recounts the events surrounding Patton's tragic demise, naming names of the many powerful individuals who wanted him silenced.
KILLING PATTON: The Strange Death of World War Ii 's Most Audacious General
"Killing Patton" takes readers inside the final year of the war and recounts the events surrounding Patton's tragic demise, naming names of the many powerful individuals who wanted him silenced.