King Arthur and His Knights

  • King Arthur and His Knights
    By Sir Thomas Malory, Mary Macleod Banks

    Now this stone was of such a size that five men of usual strength could hardly lift it. But Sir Pellias lifted it forth from its place with great ease, and, raising it with both hands, he ran quickly toward that Red Knight and flung the ...

  • King Arthur and His Knights
    By Sir James Knowles, Louis Rhead

    “For divers reasons,” said King Arthur; “for I have seen strange things to-day, and but this moment there was here a child who told me things beyond his years to know.” “Yea,” said the old man, “but he told thee truth, and more he would ...

  • King Arthur and His Knights
    By Maude Radford Warren

    The stirring tales of these chivalrous knights awaken the reader's admiration for courage and gentleness and high sense of honor essential in all ages. Suitable for ages 9 and up.

  • King Arthur and His Knights
    By Maude L Radford

    "They refused to believe the story of his birth told by Merlin and Sir Hector. And because of all the quarreling, it was decided to have another trial at Candlemas, which fell in the month of February. Again Arthur was victorious.

  • King Arthur and His Knights
    By Anthony Mockler

    Retells the stories of Merlin, Excalibur, the Lady of the Lake, Guinevere, Gawain, Lancelot, and the death of King Arthur.

  • King Arthur and His Knights: Selected Tales
    By Sir Thomas Malory

    When Sir Mellyagaunce espied that blood then he deemed in her that she was16 false to the king , and that some of the wounded knights had lain by her all that night . A ha , madam , ' said Sir Mellyagaunce , ' now I have found you a ...

  • King Arthur and His Knights: A Survey of Arthurian Romance
    By Jessie Laidlay Weston

    King Arthur and His Knights: A Survey of Arthurian Romance

  • King Arthur and His Knights: A Noble and Joyous History
    By Philip Schuyler Allen

    Recounts the tales of King Arthur and his knights, from the early prophecies of Merlin and Arthur's birth to the destruction of Camelot.

  • King Arthur and His Knights
    By Jim Weiss

    Recounts the exploits of King Arthur and his knights at the court of Camelot and elsewhere in the land of the Britons.

  • King Arthur and His Knights
    By Diane Namm

    How did the famous Knights of the Round Table come to be? This title is suitable for children aged 3 to 6.

  • King Arthur and His Knights: Selected Tales
    By Howard Pyle

    First part of the book tells how young Arthur pulled a sword out of an anvil, how he learned of his royal lineage, and how he thus became king. Second part tells the stories of Merlin, Sir Pellias, Sir Gawaine and other noble knights.

  • King Arthur and His Knights
    By Sir James Knowles

    These tales of the legendary king and his knights of the Round Table form a highly readable abridgment of Thomas Malory's classic Le Morte d'Arthur. Enhanced by outstanding black-and-white illustrations by Louis Rhead.