We're indebted to Gertrude Taylor's America's Knitting Book (Simon & Schuster Trade) for the idea for this system. What follows is our version of her system. A diagram is a quick outline drawing you make of your sweater piece.
Get ready to knit — choose yarn and needles, read pattern instructions and charts, and measure gauge Now you're knitting! — cast on, knit and purl, use basic stitches, make increases and decreases, and knit in the round Expand your ...
"An excellent book for new knitters and those who want to know more" - Debbie Bliss, knitwear designer and author "If you think knitting is complicated, this book simplifies all.
If you're itching to start stitching, grab this book to start crafting your knitted masterpiece today.
The bestselling guide to knitting brilliant, timeless pieces This revised and refreshed third edition of Knitting For Dummies features new knitting patterns, refreshed and additional projects, a new bibliography and suppliers list, and ...
From choosing yarn and needles, to casting on, knitting, purling, and binding off, this book has the info you need to get started with this creative hobby.