
  • Kuwait: the Transformation of an Oil State
    By Jill Crystal

    For their accounts, see Eleanor Calverly, My Arabian Days and Nights (New York: Thomas Y. Crowell, 1958), which offers a personal and professional account by one of the first Western physicians to live in Kuwait; Edwin Calverly, ...

  • Kuwait
    By Maria O'Shea

    First - class citizenship was given to a third of the native population , another third were given partial or second - class citizenship , and the remaining third were considered potential citizens , bedoon jinsiyyah or bedoons ( " be ...

  • Kuwait
    By Leila Merrell Foster

    Describes the history, geography, economy, language, religion, sports, arts, and people of this oil-rich country located on the northwestern shore of the Persian Gulf.

  • Kuwait: Anatomy of a Crisis Economy
    By S. M. Al-Sabah

    Kuwait: Anatomy of a Crisis Economy

  • Kuwait: Selected Issues
    By International Monetary Fund. Middle East and Central Asia Dept.

    optimal amount of spending and saving given the oil production profile, high volatility, and persistence of oil income ... government goes to the Future Generations Reserve Fund managed by KIA, while the budget surplus is accumulated in ...

  • Kuwait: 2015 Article IV Consultation-Press Release; Staff Report; and Statement by the Executive Director for Kuwait
    By International Monetary Fund. Middle East and Central Asia Dept.

    Kuwait: Labor Market Indicators 3.0 200 Employment by Sector and Nationality, 1995–2014 (Millions) 3.0 Expatriate, ... from "Comparing the Employment-Output Elasticities of Expatriates and Nationals in the Gulf Cooperation Council", ...

  • Kuwait: Selected Issues
    By International Monetary Fund. Middle East and Central Asia Dept.

    This Selected Issues paper analyzes budget financing options and their potential macro-financial implications for Kuwait. With large financial buffers and low debt, Kuwait has substantial room to finance the emerging fiscal deficits.

  • Kuwait: the Transformation of an Oil State
    By Jill Crystal

    In this book, first published in 1992, Dr. Jill Crystal focuses on two recurring themes in Kuwaiti history: one, the preservation of a sense of community in the face of radical economic, social and political transformations; the second, ...

  • Kuwait: Governance, Security, and U.S. Policy
    By Kenneth Katzman

    Kuwait has been pivotal to the decades-long U.S. effort to secure the Persian Gulf region because of its consistent cooperation with U.S. military operations in the region and its key location in the northern Gulf.