Experiments have been refined throughout the manual and the Tenth Edition includes an extensively revised exercise on transformation in bacteria using pGLO to introduce students to this important technique.
Resource added for the Microbiology ?10-806-197? courses.
Experiments have been refined throughout the manual and the Tenth Edition includes an extensively revised exercise on transformation in bacteria using pGLO to introduce students to this important technique.
The 12th Edition of Laboratory Experiments in Microbiology is easier than ever to navigate and more visually effective with new icons indicating when an exercise addresses the human or environmental microbiome, is investigative, or ...
Experiments have been refined throughout the manual and the Tenth Edition includes an extensively revised exercise on transformation in bacteria using pGLO to introduce students to this important technique.
This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book. Containing 57...
Laboratory Experiments in Microbiology
Laboratory Experiments in Microbiology