
  • Landslides: Proceedings of the 9th international conference and field trip, Bristol, 16 September 1999
    By J.S. Griffiths

    The continued erosion of the coastal zone has left the whole landslide complex in a marginal state of stability. ... A substantial number of studies of the landslide activity along the coast of Dorset and East Devon have been undertaken ...

  • Landslides: Processes, Prediction, and Land Use
    By Roy C. Sidle, Hirotaka Ochiai

    Published by the American Geophysical Union as part of the Water Resources Monograph Series, Volume 18. Landslides are a constant in shaping our landscape. Whether by large episodic, or smaller...

  • Landslides: Investigation and Mitigation
    By National Research Council, A. Keith Turner, Robert L. Schuster

    A guide to using the Public Record Office (PRO) in England for English or Welsh genealogical research, providing an introduction to PRO record classes of interest to North American researchers and identifying PRO records available in North ...

  • Landslides: Types, Mechanisms and Modeling
    By John J. Clague, Douglas Stead

    A comprehensive, one-stop synthesis of landslide science, for researchers and graduate students in geomorphology, engineering geology and geophysics.

  • Landslides: Causes, Types and Effects
    By Ernest D. Werner, Hugh P. Friedman

    A landslide is a geological phenomenon which includes a wide range of ground movement, such as rock falls, deep failure of slopes and shallow debris flows, which can occur in...

  • Landslides
    By Jeffrey Zuehlke

    Do you know what a landslide is? Where landslides happen? How to stay safe if a landslide is coming? Read this book and discover the answers!

  • Landslides: Risk Analysis and Sustainable Disaster Management
    By Kyoji Sassa, Hiroshi. Fukuoka, Fawu Wang

    In: Bonnard C (ed) Proceedings of 7th International Symposium on Landslides. ... 1935–1940 Koukis G, Tsiambaos G, Sabatakakis N (1997) Landslide movements in Greece: engineering geological characteristics and environmental consequences.

  • Landslides: Proceedings of the Sixth International Symposium : 10-14 February 1992, Christchurch
    By Symposium international sur les glissements de terrain$, Nouvelle-Zélande)

    Landslides: Proceedings of the Sixth International Symposium : 10-14 February 1992, Christchurch

  • Landslides: Proceedings of the First European Conference on Landslides, Prague, Czech Republic, 24-26 June 2002
    By J. Rybar

    Proceedings of the First European Conference on Landslides, Prague, Czech Republic, 24-26 June 2002 J. Rybar. valley ... Britain is at Ventnor, on the Isle of Wight, where the entire town has been built on an ancient landslide complex ...

  • Landslides: Types, Mechanisms and Modeling
    By John J. Clague, Douglas Stead

    ... landforms of four main categories (structural and volcanic, weathering, erosional, and depositional). The Earth systems approach establishes that landslides, along with all landforms, are part of a larger geomorphological system. Thus ...

  • Landslides
    By Jeffrey Zuehlke

    Explains what a landslide is, where they typically occur, and how to protect oneself in the event of a landslide.

  • Landslides
    By S. Mambretti

    This volume is the second in the new Safety and Security Engineering series that is designed to provide a comprehensive view on risk mitigation.

  • Landslides
    By Anne Ylvisaker

    Describes how and why earthquakes happen, the damage they can cause, ways to avoid and survive them, and famous landslides of the past.

  • Landslides: Theory, Practice and Modelling
    By V. Vishal, T.N. Singh, S.P. Pradhan

    This book, with contributions from international landslide experts, presents in-depth knowledge of theories, practices, and modern numerical techniques for landslide analysis.

  • Landslides: Proceedings of the First European Conference on Landslides, Prague, Czech Republic, 24-26 June 2002
    By J. Rybar

    ... induced by the earthquake. In D.K. Keefer (ed.), The Loma Prieta, California, earthquake of October 17, 1989—landslides. U.S. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper 1551-C: C33-C50 ... Nevada of California. In J.V. DeGraff (ed.), Landslide activity 75.

  • Landslides: Global Risk Preparedness
    By Bin He, Kyoji Sassa, Mauri McSaveney

    ... risk of dam collapse and the resulting water wave that could have caused serious damage to the City of Rijeka. Comprehensive landslide remediation projects were never conducted, but further movements of the landslide were reduced (Benac ...

  • Landslides: Causes, Consequences & Environment
    By Michael J. Crozier

    Landslides: Causes, Consequences & Environment

  • Landslides
    By Timothy M. Kusky

    Describes how and why landslides happen, the damage they cause, ways to avoid and survive them, and famous landslides of the past.