This text provides a survey of key topics in language development, including research methods, theoretical perspectives, and major language milestones from birth to adolescence and beyond, and language diversity and language disorders.
Language Development from Theory to Practice
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With an emphasis on the relevance of the material to students' current and future experiences in clinical, educational, and research settings, this text also focuses on individual differences in language development, including those of ...
Language Development From Theory to Practice provides a survey of key topics in language development, including research methods, theoretical perspectives, and major language milestones from birth to adolescence and beyond,...
This text provides a survey of key topics in language development, including research methods, theoretical perspectives, and major language milestones from birth to adolescence and beyond, and language diversity and language disorders.
In addition, this revised text contains two new boxed features--one that asks students to observe and analyze each other's speech and development and one that helps prepare students to take a Praxis exam. Highlights of the Second Edition .
With an emphasis on the relevance of the material to students’ current and future experiences in clinical, educational, and research settings, this text also focuses on individual differences in language development, including those of ...