... Ltd[2008] 2AllER 977, CA 1st Preston v Wolverhampton Healthcare NHS Trust (No 2) [2001] 3 All ER 947, HL1st ProtectiveServices (Contracts) Ltd vLivingstone (1992) unreported 1st Provident Financial Group v Hayward [1989] 3 All ER 298,
Analysetowhat extent the White v White and Miller/McFarlane principles apply in this case. Considerwhether thiswillbetreated asa 'long'or a'short' civilpartnership. Which assets will be treated as 'matrimonial assets'?
"The commentary elevates the text to something that will help students learn strong techniques and understand what examiners want.
The officers shout 'Stop! Armed police'. Bloggs turns andseemstowavethe package. PC Irons believes that Bloggs is about to fire at him. He shoots andkillsBloggs.Bloggs turns out to be unarmed and the package to contain a small table ...
As well as setting out the law itself, the authors examine the principles behind tort law, and discuss some of the issues and debates arising from it.
Maximise your marks for every answer you write with Law Express Question and Answer. This series is designed to help you understand what examiners are looking for, focus on the question being asked and make your answers stand out.
Maximise your marks for every answer you write with Law Express Question and Answer. This series is designed to help you understand what examiners are looking for, focus on the question being asked and make even a strong answer stand out.
Maximise your marks for every answer you write with Law Express Question and Answer. This series is designed to help you understand what examiners are looking for, focus on the question being asked and make even a strong answer stand out.
“Revising with this series is like having a tutor there...” Mariette Jones, Middlesex University Maximise your marks for every answer you write with Law Express Question and Answer.
Maximise your marks for every answer you write with Law Express Question and Answer. This series is designed to help you understand what examiners are looking for, focus on the question being asked and make your answers stand out.
"Revising with this series is like having a tutor there.
"For a revision book I feel it has no weakness - it has everything the students need" Dr Claire McGourlay, Senior Lecturer in Law, University of Sheffield Law Express Question and Answer: Evidence is designed to help you get the most out of ...
From the BESTSELLING Law Express revision series.
Maximise your marks for every answer you write with Law Express Question and Answer. This series is designed to help you understand what examiners are looking for, focus on the question being asked and make even a strong answer stand out.
From the creators of the UK’s bestselling Law Express revision series. Maximise your marks for every answer you write with Law Express Question and Answer. This series is designed to...
This revision guide is designed to help you get the most out of every answer you write by improving your understanding of what examiners are looking for, helping you to focus in on the question being asked and showing you how even a good ...
Maximise your marks for every answer you write with Law Express Question and Answer. This series is designed to help you understand what examiners are looking for, focus on the question being asked and make even a strong answer stand out.
Maximise your marks for every answer you write with Law Express Question and Answer. This series is designed to help you understand what examiners are looking for, focus on the question being asked and make your answers stand out.
This revision guide is designed to help you get the most out of every answer you write by improving your understanding of what examiners are looking for, helping you to focus in on the question being asked, and showing you how even a good ...
Maximise your marks for every answer you write with Law Express Question and Answer. This series is designed to help you understand what examiners are looking for, focus on the question being asked and make even a strong answer stand out.