Adams, Starnes, and Williams were partners in a burglar and fire alarm service. Adams would mount his own camper cabin on the back of one of the company's pickup trucks every weekend and drive it into the country on overnight fishing ...
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Law for Business and Personal Use, 19th Edition combines strong content and interactive technology with consistent, proven instruction to maintain student interest and support active learning.
These student activities and study guides contain lesson outlines, vocabulary reviews, concept reviews, and goals reviews for every chapter of the text.
Law for Business and Personal Use
Law for Business and Personal Use
The Instructor s Wraparound Edition features reduced student pages surrounded by teaching information in the margins.
Law for Business and Personal Use: Instructor's wraparound ed
This software asks questions from students related to chapter topics and gives page references for those concepts that are answered incorrectly so students will know where to look in the text for more information.