In this updated edition, the author of "The One Minute Manager" extends his breakthrough work on delivering legendary customer service, creating raving fans, and building Partnerships for Performance that empower everyone who works for and ...
vitality and success are ensured. To do a good job, effective servant leaders must be environmentalists whose job is to create and maintain a culture that turns on employees so that they can turn on customers. These leaders do that by ...
This volume contains sections on, setting your sights on the right target and vision, treating your customers right, treating your people right, and having the right kind of leadership.
""Leading at a Higher Level "translates decades of research and 25 years of global experience into simple, practical, and powerful strategies to equip leaders at every level to build organizations...
From start to finish, this book extends Blanchard's breakthrough work on delivering legendary customer service, creating "raving fans," and building "Partnerships for Performance" that empower everyone who works for and with you.
This book will guide you, inspire you, provoke you, and be your touchstone. Discover how to .
This volume contains sections on setting your sights on the right target and vision, treating your customers and employees well, and having the right kind of leadership.
Lead your people to greatness as you create high performing organizations that make life better for everyone. This book will guide you, inspire you, provoke you, and be your touchstone.