R. Hall, “Learning Conflict Management through Peer Mediation,” in How Children Understand War and Peace,ed. A. Raviv, L. Oppenheimer, and D. Bar-Tal (San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1999), 281–298. 4. J. Haynes, “Beyond Diversity: ...
This book is devoted to the issue of how we can learn to live together in the face of division and conflict.
S. M. Fisch , R. T. Truglio , C. F. Cole , “ The Impact of Sesame Street on Preschool Children : A Review and Synthesis of 30 Years ... T. D. Cook et al . , Sesame Street Revisited ( New York : Russell Sage Foundation , 1975 ) ...
(Hillsdale, N.J.: Erlbaum, 1984), cited in Slavin and Cooper, “Improving Intergroup Relations,” 647–663. 31. ... Forum on Adolescence, Board on Children, Youth, and Families, Improving Intergroup Relations among Youth (Washington, ...
At a time when armed conflict and violence are widespread, 'learning to live together' represents an ever greater challenge to educators worldwide. People in all societies need to develop respect...