Galvez v. Kuhn, 933 F.2d 773. Allegation that supervisor's conduct was motivated by desire to find reason to fire employee was too tenuous a connection to collective bargaining agreement discharge provisions to ...
His first assignment from Ms. Tilton is to determine if Mr. Jackson has a cause of action against Outdoor Extreme Sports for breach of warranty under the sales provisions of the state's commercial code. Mr. Jackson went to Outdoor ...
With coverage of key topics such as research analytical principles, legal research, legal analysis, and legal writing, this popular book covers the information readers need to know in order to find, access, apply, and analyze legal ...
-- This is a student supplement associated with: Wills, Trusts, and Estates Administration Plus NEW MyLegalStudiesLab and Virtual Law Office Experience with Pearson eText, 3/e Suzan D. Herskowitz ISBN: 0133024059
Introduction to legal research, writing, and analysis -- The starting point : analyzing facts and identifying legal issues -- Finding and analyzing case law -- How to read and summarize a case law decision -- Constitutions, statutes, and ...
This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book. This comprehensive...
For everyone from students, to lawyers, to legal scholars this book demystifies the processes of legal research, analysis, and writing from start to finish, providing readers with both a solid theoretical understanding and powerful applied ...
This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book.
The text's teaching and learning resources include an Instructor's Manual, PowerPoint lecture slides, and Test Bank. Teaching and Learning Experience: Offers fully integrated coverage of legal research, legal analysis and legal writing.
In addition, this book includes scenarios, examples, exercises, and other features that clarify concepts and fine tune writing abilities.
This book is useful as a reference for practicing professionals as well.
Reflecting today's new realities, this edition also contains extensive new coverage of Internet-based research on both free and fee-based sites.
By integrating the basics of legal research, legal analysis and legal writing, this book clarifies the interrelationship of these three competencies and allows readers to experience the total legal research process.
Reflecting today's new realities, this edition also contains extensive new coverage of Internet-based research on both free and fee-based sites.
Congressional Index The Congressional Index is a loose-leaf service published by Commerce Clearing House. This publica- tion includes various information on bills such as indexes of bills by subject and sponsor, a summary of each bill, ...
Become the "go to" paralegal at your firm as you prepare for a career in law with Putman/Albright's popular LEGAL RESEARCH, ANALYSIS, AND WRITING, 5E.
This book presents a practical, integrated approach to legal research, analysis, and writing.
"Legal Research, Analysis and Writing: An Integrated Approach" provides readers with the knowledge and tools needed to research and analyze a legal problem and to communicate the results in different types of legal memoranda by integrating ...