This concise text offers a straightforward guide to developing legal writing and analysis skills for beginning legal writers.
This looseleaf version of the Connected Casebook does not come with a binder. This streamlined text offers a straightforward guide to developing legal writing and analysis skills for beginning legal writers.
This streamlined text offers a straightforward guide to developing legal writing and analysis skills for beginning legal writers.
This streamlined text offers a straightforward guide to developing legal writing and analysis skills for beginning legal writers.
This book teaches students how to use analogical reasoning, in addition to rule-based and policy-based reasoning, as a tool for synthesizing cases, how to organize a legal discussion using analysis and reasoning, and how to use precedent in ...
LEGAL WRITING AND ANALYSIS is straightforward, contemporary, and exceptionally well-written. Strengths of this new text include: consistent use of the legal method approach, with an opening chapter providing an overview...
Softbound - New, softbound print book.
The Murray and DeSanctis titles are designed for the current generation of law students whose familiarity and comfort with on-line and computer-based learning create a demand for teaching resources that...
This streamlined text offers a straightforward guide to developing legal writing and analysis skills for beginning legal writers.