Legalized Gambling

  • Legalized Gambling
    By J B Buffington

    Senator Alexander Wiley of Wisconsin said , “ The idea that legalized gambling will be a revenue - raiser is an illusion . Every dollar raised from such sources means five dollars spent in higher police costs , high court costs ...

  • Legalized Gambling: Solution Or Illusion?
    By Andy Hjelmeland

    Even Gordon Moody , a Methodist minister and founder of a program for problem gamblers , referred to the lottery as " a bit of kindness . ” The lottery , he admits , " allows poor people to dream of someday having a nice automobile or a ...

  • Legalized Gambling: Revenue Boom Or Social Bust?
    By Matt Doeden

    Discusses the history of legal gambling in the United States, describes compulsive gambling, and offers arguments about state sponsorship of lotteries, Indian gaming, gambling on sports, games of skill, bingo for charity, and gambling ...

  • Legalized Gambling: For and Against
    By Rod L. Evans, Mark Hance

    19 While the proliferation of state lotteries during the 1980slo jeopardized the regular tourist base attracted by legalized gambling , the major threat to the legalized gambling organizations was the long - term saturation of the ...

  • Legalized Gambling: A Reference Handbook
    By William Norman Thompson

    ABC-CLIO's Contemporary World Issues series comprises comprehensive, balanced, one-volume reference handbooks on important topics related to science, technology, and medicine; the environment; society; politics, law, and government; criminal justice; and...

  • Legalized Gambling: Revenue Boom or Social Bust?
    By Matt Doeden

    This book examines the history of gambling as well as current federal, state, and local laws.

  • Legalized Gambling
    By Paul Ruschmann

    Paul Ruschmann. Alan Marzilli, M.A.,J.D. Birmingham, Alabama The Point/Counterpoint series offers the reader a greater understanding of some of the most controversial issues in contemporary American society ... set out some of the key ...

  • Legalized Gambling: America's Bad Bet
    By John Eidsmoe

    Legalized Gambling: America's Bad Bet