Legalizing Marijuana

  • Legalizing Marijuana: Drug Policy Reform and Prohibition Politics
    By Rudolph Joseph Gerber

    A moneyed , out - of - state elite mounted a cynical and deceptive campaign to push its hidden agenda to legalize drugs , " moaned former Secretary of Health Joe Califano Jr. New York Times columnist A. M. Rosenthal named names .

  • Legalizing Marijuana
    By Kayla Morgan

    Readers will learn the history of marijuana, the medical use of the drug, and its health risks. Also covered are the key players in the legalization debate and the progress of legalizing marijuana in California.

  • Legalizing Marijuana
    By Paul Ruschmann

    Marijuana and prohibition -- Marijuana is too dangerous to be legal -- The dangers of marijuana are exaggerated -- Enforcement of marijuana laws is uneven, ineffective, and wasteful -- Marijuana laws must be strictly enforced -- Relaxing ...

  • Legalizing Marijuana: Promises and Pitfalls
    By Margaret J. Goldstein

    With the increase in states legalizing marijuana, understanding the debate about marijuana is more important than ever.

  • Legalizing Marijuana
    By Kayla Morgan

    Readers will learn the history of marijuana, the medical use of the drug, and its health risks. Also covered are the key players in the legalization debate and the progress of legalizing marijuana in California.