
  • Leonardo
    By Kathleen Duey, Robert Gould, Eugene Epstein

    Offering an increased word count from previous selections in the series, this tale utilizes a stealth literacy approach to improving the reading abilities of disinclined students.

  • Leonardo: Discoveries from Verrocchio's Studio : Early Paintings and New Attributions
    By Laurence B. Kanter, Rita Piccione Albertson

    In addition, the recesses of the folds are drawn with the same stylized lines that terminate in tiny hooks found in the underdrawn cloak of the tax collector (gs. –). If, as Kanter has argued, the tax collector can be attributed to ...

  • Leonardo
    By Holly Bianchi

    Prominent founders of the Leonardo Citizens Committee are, from left to right, Frank Beirne, Mercedes Johnson, and Arthur Weimer. A native of Philadelphia and one of Leonardo's most noted residents, Mercedes Johnson was the first woman ...

  • Leonardo: Revised Edition
    By Martin Kemp

    This updated edition is the first book to include two newly discovered Leonardo works, the most important discoveries in over a hundred years.

  • Leonardo
    By Martin Kemp

    Esta fascinante exploracion de la vida y la obra de Leonardo nos brinda penetrantes y excepcionales conclusiones sobre que es lo que hizo tan especial a este hombre renacentista.

  • Leonardo
    By Martin Kemp

    Explores the life and work of artist, engineer, inventor, scientist, and Renaissance genius Leonardo da Vinci, looking at the historical figure as well as the ideas underlying his investigations of nature. Reprint.

  • Leonardo: the First Scientist
    By Michael White

    White weaves the history of early scientific endeavor, Leonardo's colorful personal life, including his deprived childhood, homosexuality, and relationships with contemporaries such as Machiavelli and Borgia.

  • Leonardo: First Scientist B Pbp
    By Michael White

    Leonardo: First Scientist B Pbp

  • Leonardo: Discovering the Life of Leonardo Da Vinci
    By Serge Bramly

    First published in France, Serge Bramly's acclaimed biography reveals Leonardo to be as complicated, seductive, and profoundly sympathetic as the figures he painted. Bramly spent five years gathering evidence to...

  • Leonardo: A Biographical Novel
    By Curtis Bill Pepper

    This compelling novel takes the reader into the tumultuous period of the Renaissance and the origins of Leonardo da Vinci, the bastard child of a notary.

  • Leonardo: Up Close and Personal
    By Victoria Looseleaf

    This isn't just any Leonardo biography; this is a fact- and picture-packed tribute to the one-and-only Leo from a woman who has known him for more than half his life. You won't find anything else like it. Or anyone quite like him!

  • Leonardo: A Portrait of the Renaissance Man
    By Roger Whiting

    The quintessential Renaissance man, Leonardo DaVinci was equally at home as an artist, writer, inventor, scientist, or musician, and his talent was such that he excelled in each. The majority...

  • Leonardo: The Ultimate Secret
    By Giovanni Pala


  • Leonardo: The Artist and the Man
    By Serge Bramly

    "A considerable work of assimilative scholarship and common sense...races along merrily."—The Boston Globe.

  • Leonardo
    By Maria Constantino


  • Leonardo: Il genio dell'imperfezione
    By Vittorio Sgarbi

    Ecco perché ascoltiamo le sue parole: perché Leonardo è vivo.” Vittorio Sgarbi Vittorio Sgarbi compone un ritratto inedito di Leonardo, raccontandone le imprese e le opere, il contesto artistico in cui è cresciuto e la straordinaria ...

  • Leonardo
    By Lisa Degnen

    An insight into the early years of Leonardo Di Caprio, with photographs of his childhood, stills from What's Eating Gilbert Grape, and facts about his recent projects such as Titanic and The Man In The Iron Mask.

  • Leonardo: A Study in Chronology and Style
    By Carlo Pedretti

    Carlo Pedretti concentrates on the paintings and drawings and tackles the problem of their complexity by tracing chronologically a number of the themes that run through Leonardo's work.--[book jacket].

  • Leonardo
    By Holly Bianchi

    Leonardo, one of Monmouth County's most picturesque seaside resorts, is portrayed in images that will fill the heart and lift the spirit.

  • Leonardo: The First Scientist
    By Michael White

    Argues that the great "renaissance man" was in fact the first great modern man of science.