Sen. Daniel Patrick Moynihan, S. 126, introduced January 4, 1995, 104th Congress. “In the wake of disclosures . . .”: J. P. Cassidy, “Torricelli Intel Reforms Said to Damage CIA,” The Hill, October 10, 2001. “In the mid1990s .
Let Freedom Ring: A United States History
Traces the history of the United States from the early Indian settlements to the present day.
Having everyone's rapt attention, Vladimir told them about his visit from Wayne Millett that morning, and being served the bill for four years back taxes on his recently-purchased farm. “Ladies and gentlemen,” he went on, “my family and ...
As "children of light" we are called to put on the armor of God so that we may stand firm against the tactics of the devil (Ephesians 6:11). The tools in this book give us our weapons back and enable us to fight the darkness.
Three centuries of political, social, and religious experiences show how Jews contributed to life in America; for grades 5-7.
In this magnificent book, his stirring photographs of that day are published for the first time.
This invaluable resource guide offers inspiring stories of the creative, and sometimes winning, strategies to bring them home.
Contains major historical documents of America and her leaders.
The Painter of Light¿ radiantly imbues each piece of his art with tranquillity, love, faith, and family-all attributes of this great nation that has clung together through thick and thin.Now, in Let Freedom Ring, Kinkade has paired some of ...
Now, in Let Freedom Ring, Kinkade has paired some of his most poignant paintings with magnificent words of freedom.
A tribute in verse to the life and accomplishments of Martin Luther King, Jr., integrates quotes from the late civil rights leader's speeches and sermons to celebrate King's vision of...
This book traces the story of the civil rights movement through the written and spoken words of those who participated in it. It includes both classic texts, such as Martin...
Let Freedom Ring
Now, in Let Freedom Ring, Sean Hannity offers a survey of the world -- political, social, and cultural -- as he sees it.
Let Freedom Ring
Young Russian Vladimir Petrovna is always minutes away from disaster.
Vladimir Petrovna, a Christian in czarist Russia who faces brutal persecution, flees to the United States with his family to escape possible imprisonment for their relgious beliefs.
Let Freedom Ring
Let Freedom Ring