Lies of Silence

  • Lies of Silence
    By brian moore

    Set in Northern Ireland, this thriller, shortlisted for the Booker Prize 1990, is about a man who faces a dramatic moral choice just when he's looking for happiness.

  • Lies of Silence: A Novel
    By brian moore

    Shortlisted for the Man Booker Prize: An unhappy marriage is further shaken when IRA terrorists invade the couple’s home in this “first rate” thriller (The New York Times).

  • Lies of Silence
    By brian moore

    Thriller set in contemporary Northern Ireland, in which Michael Dillon must face a moral choice which leaves him nowhere to turn.

  • Lies of Silence: Text and Study Aids
    By brian moore

    Lies of Silence: Text and Study Aids

  • Lies of Silence
    By brian moore

    When Michael Dillon is ordered by the IRA to park his car in the carpark of a Belfast hotel, he is faced with a moral choice which leaves him absolutely nowhere to turn.

  • Lies of Silence
    By brian moore

    Op een cruciaal moment in zijn leven beïnvloedt een terroristische actie van de IRA de keuze die een hotelmanager heeft gemaakt ten aanzien van zijn huwelijk.

  • Lies of Silence
    By brian moore

    Michael Dillon faces an agonising dilemma. Whatever he decides, someone will pay the price. The question is; whose life does the value the most?

  • Lies of Silence
    By brian moore

    Lies of Silence

  • Lies of Silence
    By brian moore

    "First published in the United States of America in 1990 by Bantam Doubleday Dell Publishing Group, Inc., New York"--t.p. verso.