Life as We Know it

  • Life as We Know it: A Father, a Family, and an Exceptional Child
    By Michael Bérubé

    position in John T. Noonan's classic The Morality of Abortion, published in 1970, three years before the Supreme Court decided Roe v. Wade. Noonan's book is a painstaking explanation and defense of the history and philosophy of the ...

  • Life as We Know It
    By Marquita Johnson

    I was called a square by my cousins most of the time because they were always doing things that we weren't raised to. ... My college life was coming to an end, and I decided to take a break and to always take care College Life.

  • Life as We Know It
    By Joseph Seckbach

    At the end of this long line of intellectuals that were under the influence of Existentialism, ... Today we recognize such efforts by assigning the equations the surnames of their authors: Newton, Maxwell, Einstein, Schrödinger Dirac, ...

  • Life as We Know it: A Father, a Family, and an Exceptional Child
    By Michael Bérubé

    When James Berube was born in 1991 his parents knew little about Down syndrome other than that it would render their child "disabled". As they sought to understand exactly what...

  • Life as We Know it: Extraordinary Stories from Ordinary People
    By Dan Kelly

    These stories catch readers off guard, eliciting a belly laugh one page and a tear the next.